A woman with dark brown hair, wearing a black suit jacket is standing in the middle of a park path on a sunny, summer day.

The Long Story

I am a woman who lives in-between worlds and words. I live between my Greek and Macedonian heritage, between my first and second generation immigrant experience, on the cusp between the Millennial and Gen Z generations, and I’m constantly living between imaginary worlds and real life. Living in-between these polarities has offered me a unique perspective where I can observe and have one foot planted in each viewpoint of these, at times opposing, worldviews simultaneously.

When I began writing at fourteen, I finally found a forum that could bring each of these worlds together through words. Since then, I’ve diligently worked on improving the way I weave these words together to bridge cultures, languages, and human experiences through stories. Fifteen years later, my first short story, “My Baba’s Idea of Sexy,” was published in Issue 48 of carte blanche (Spring 2024). My second short story “The Namesake” was published in Issue 300 of The Fiddlehead (Summer 2024).

My current writing projects explore the varied experiences of the Greek and Macedonian diasporas in North America through first, second, and third generation immigrants while challenging nationalistic ideas that perpetuate what it means to be Greek or Macedonian.

Outside of my writing life, I’ve travelled extensively. I studied abroad in England, worked in a boarding school library while overlooking the Swiss Alps, rode a camel in Morocco, embarked on a North American road trip with my friends, and survived a European road trip with my family.

I’ve also worked in a variety of industries including food service, public service, the garage door industry, e-commerce, and tech. I currently serve as the Managing Editor of The New Quarterly and Festival Manager for the Wild Writers Literary Festival since 2021.